Abstractions Pittsburgh

30 August, 2016

The O2DCA Development team was lucky enough to score some tickets to the first-ever Abstractions conference in downtown Pittsburgh earlier this month. It was the first event of it's kind here in Pittsburgh; bringing together designers, developers, project managers, security analysts, infrastructure specialists, and more into one 3-day event. At any one time there were 3-5 talks going on simultaneously, and our team split up to soak in as much as possible.

Rooftop Outdoor Lounge at Abstractions
A Talk at Abstractions 2016

We saw talks from Mark Sherman, Bradley Holt, Phil Dougherty, Richard Stallman, Brad Frost, and more that covered issues ranging from "Risks in the Software Supply Chain" to "Creating Conversational Interfaces" - as well getting to play with some real-life demonstrations. All-in-all it was a great three days where we were able to increase our breadth of knowledge, socialize with industry leaders, and sharpen our skills.

Another Speaker at Abstractions 2016
The mezzanine in between talks

I personally want to thank the event coordinators and Pittsburgh's Code & Supply Co for organizing such an impactful event here in our local tech community. The team and myself look forward to integrating what we've learned into upcoming projects, and creating even better, more efficient solutions.

Google Removes 'Mobile Friendly' Tag, and Introduces new Abusive Pop-Ups Detection

24 August, 2016

Google Announced Yesterday two important changes to it's mobile ranking algorithm. The first piece being that the 'Mobile-friendly' label will be removed from search results on mobile devices. Their logic being that over 85% of sites returned in their results are now mobile-friendly, and removing this de-clutters the interface. Keep in mind, however, that this 'mobile-friendly' flag will still be used in determining your sites ranking in returned results. You can still measure your site's mobile performance in your Google Webmaster Tools.

Example of the Mobile-Friendly Label

The second announcement, and arguably the more important of the two, is that Google will begin penalizing mobile sites that use intrusive interstitials on January 10th 2017. What is an 'interstitials' you ask? According to Wikipedia, an Interstital is:

"A page displayed before or after expected content on the page"

Google expands this to include pop-advertisements, a well as a number of other intrusive 'alerts' you most likely have encountered while browsing the web from your phone. You can find examples of acceptable and unacceptable interstitials on Google's blog post if you would like to know more. If your site uses any of the techniques outlined, you have until the end of the year to correct the problem, or face being potentially ranked lower in search results returning your site or it's sub-pages.

Server Backups using Amazon's S3 Service

08 August, 2016

A good backup strategy is integral to any well-functioning business that maintains digital assets. If you haven't already, at some point you will be investigating off-site storage solutions and come across Amazon's Simple Storage Service, more commonly knows as 'S3'. While it may not suit every application, S3 provides a plethora of features out of the box, is amazingly easy to scale, and has a very affordable price-point - making it a perfect tool for our general backup purposes.

As with anything, there are multiple ways to go about creating the actual backup script, we're going to use PHP and the AWS PHP SDK for portability, transparency, and because I don't like to install a package if I don't need to; but if you are interested in doing this with s3cmd - a Linux program - for transferring data to S3, see LevelsIO tutorial here: https://levels.io/backup-linode-digital-ocean-vps-amazon-s3/.

Now - let's create a backup script. You will need to have an Amazon Web Services account for this, so if you don't have one, create one now. Once you have your AWS Account, log in to your management console, and select "Services > S3" from the top menu - this will bring up your S3 Dashboard. S3 uses 'buckets' to organize and store your files - just like a 'folder', except it's called a 'bucket'; Create a new bucket for our backups now by clicking the 'Create Bucket' button, giving the bucket a name, and selecting a region.

Creating a New S3 Bucket
Select 'Security Credentials' from the Account menu

Once you have the new bucket created, you will need to create a new 'user' which we will use to access this bucket via the AWS API. Access your AWS User settings by clicking 'Security Policies' in the Account menu found by hovering over your name. I am going to show you how to craete a user that can access all of your S3 Buckets, but you can use customized policies to limit access to only certain functions or buckets (to say, create a put-only user that cannot view or delete your 3 items for increased security).

Once on the security credentials page, select 'Users' from the left-hand menu, and click 'Create New Users'. This will bring up a form where you can enter some username, enter a descriptive name for your user, such as 'backup-user' and click 'Create' (Make sure that 'Generate an access key for each user' is checked). You will get a page confirming the creation of your new user, with a link to 'Show User Security Credentials; Click that link and copy down the Access and Secret Key you are shown - keep them safe, as this is essentially the login information for that user.

Creating a New IAM User
Copy down your new user's Access and Secret Keys

New users, by default, have access to nothing, so we'll need to create a Group that has access to our S3 bucket and add this user to it. Do this by clicking 'Groups' in the left-hand menu, and 'Create New Group'. Give your group a descriptive name, and click next; this page will allow you to select a policy for this group. Enter 'S3' in the search box, and select the 'AmazonS3FullAccess' policy - this will give this user full access to all of your S3 buckets, and access to all of the S3 API functions. The final step is to add the user we previously created to this new group.

Add the AmazonS3FullAccess Policy to your Group
Add your user to the new group you created

Once this is done - you can log out of Amazon; at this point you should have:

  • AWS S3 Bucket Name
  • AWS S3 Bucket Region (You can find that here)
  • AWS User Access Key
  • AWS User Secret Access Key

I have written this handy little script to get you started, but please feel free to customize it to your needs; the required AWS SDK for PHP is included in the package below:

 Download o2_s3_backup.zip

This script will:

  • Dump single, or multiple, database to the root of the backup location
  • Create a Tarball of the location specified for back inside the directory of the backup script
  • Transfer the Tarball to your S3 bucket using AWS Multipart Upload (to support files up to 5TB)
  • Remove the SQL Dumps, and Tarball after transfer is complete

Upload the included PHP file and AWS SDK to a location outside of your server's webroot; and configure the variables at the top of the script. These lines:

$BACKUPNAME = "[Name-of-your-backup]";
$BACKUPFILELOCATION = "[full/filepath/to/the/folder/to/be/archived]";
$FOLDERSTOEXCLUDE = array('[array],[of],[folders],[to],[exclude]');
$DBUSER = "[Your-database-username]";
$DBPASS = "[Your-database-password]";
$DBSTOBACKUP = array('[array],[of],[databases],[to],[dump]');
// AWS access info
if (!defined('awsAccessKey')) define('awsAccessKey', '[aws-access-key]');
if (!defined('awsSecretKey')) define('awsSecretKey', '[aws-secret-key]');
if (!defined('awsBucket')) define('awsBucket', '[aws-bucket-name]');
if (!defined('awsRegion')) define('awsBucket', '[aws-region]');

will configure the location of the folder to be backed up, allow you to export a database, exclude files from the backup, and specify your AWS S3 bucket and credentials. The method for dumping the database uses the password on the command line, for a more secure version (if your mysql.conf is setup correctly) you may un-comment line 57; I kept the less secure version in the demo for ease of setup.

You can extend and configure this script to back up multiple webroots, send to multiple S3 buckets, or remove backups on S3 after a certain time has expired. You can find information on the base code I have in the script, and other functions available to you here - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/aws-sdk-php/v3/api/.

I would also recommend attaching this script to a CRON job, and set it to run on a regular basis; as well as adding a simple mail script that alerts you when the script is complete, or fails to upload.

And as easy as that - you have an efficient off-site, backup on almost any Linux based server. Let me know your thoughts, and if you found this useful in the comments below...

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